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Injury-Related Records Requests

Public Records

Patients: To request a copy of your emergency medical report, please provide photo identification and complete the above Authorization Form.

Attorneys and other Agencies: Attorneys representing a patient should provide the following when requesting a medical record:

1. A letter of request on your letterhead that includes the patient's full name, incident date, incident time, and incident location.

2. An authorization to release the record that:

  • Is in writing, dated, and signed by the patient
  • Identifies Eastside Fire & Rescue as the health care provider
  • Identifies to whom the record is to be provided
  • States the time period the authorization will be valid, which may not exceed one year.


Attorney Representing a Duly Appointed Personal Representative: Attorneys representing a duly appointed personal representative should provide the following when requesting a medical record:

1. A letter of request on your letterhead including the patient's name, incident date, incident time, and incident location

2. A copy of the document by which the person is the duly appointed personal representative

3. A copy of the Death Certificate

4. An authorization releasing the record that:

  • Is in writing, dated, and signed by the personal representative
  • Identifies Eastside Fire & Rescue as the health care provider
  • Identifies the patient
  • Identifies to whom the record is to be provided
  • States the time period the authorization is valid, which may not exceed one year.

NOTE: Submissions missing any of the required elements will not be accepted.

 Please allow 5-10 business days for your records to be processed.

Public Record Request

Requestor Information

Record Request
Confirm e-Signature
Read our Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
Streamline Verify
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Confirm e-Signature

Review Electronic Records and Signatures Policy (required)

Read our Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure

I agree to use electronic records and signatures


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